He’s Not Sure His Marriage Will Survive After His Wife Caught Feelings For A Coworker

Cute brunette woman in brown coat talking on the phone in the city close up
fotofabrika - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s been a tough last four years for this 35-year-old man and his 32-year-old wife, and that’s mainly because they had two children in a row.

Their youngest child recently celebrated their first birthday, and they have been going to marriage counseling together since they welcomed their oldest.

He and his wife agreed that the best way they could prove to the other person that they were still a priority was by organizing routine date nights.

“Unfortunately, I did not follow through on it, and our date nights were about once every other month,” he explained.

Back then, his wife was in between jobs, and a year ago, she started a new one. His wife currently has to go to an office, but he works from home and watches their children.

“My excuse for not setting up times for date nights was I was mentally exhausted,” he said. “It doesn’t make it right, and I look back and kick myself for being closed off a bit emotionally, but I literally felt like it was survival mode until we got the kids to an age I felt comfortable with sending them to a daycare full-time.”

His wife’s new job is quite stressful, and she quickly started going out with her friends and coworkers any time she wasn’t at work.

He didn’t mind, as he knew it was good for her, given how intense her career is. One evening, however, she stayed out until the early morning hours along with some of her coworkers.

It was then that he grew suspicious, because he and his wife joke about how difficult it is to stay awake after midnight now.

Cute brunette woman in brown coat talking on the phone in the city close up

fotofabrika – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

He waited for his wife to come home that night, and when she walked through the door, he asked her if she wanted to tell him anything.

His wife confessed that she’s been miserable for the last three years, and she wants to move ahead with separating.

He was crushed and quickly set to work untangling his own personal problems in therapy. He feels his anxiety around being a dad has caused him to destroy his relationship with his wife (they’ve been together for 15 years).

When he tried to talk to his wife about all of this, she simply said she has developed feelings for one of her coworkers. This person is apparently the coworker with whom she stayed out super late that night.

“Now I feel like my trust was shattered, and the worst part now is that she’s sad because this person wants to back off a bit because they don’t want to be the reason a marriage is destroyed, even [though] my wife is actively seeking her out,” he said.

“My question is, is it survivable? She has stated she is not interested in trying to go back to couple’s therapy and work things out because she’s been emotionally done for so long.”

“As hurt and embarrassed [as] I am, I still want to fight for the relationship even though she says she doesn’t.”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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