His Girlfriend Met A Guy At A Surf Camp She Wanted To Hook Up With, So Now She’s Asking For A Hall Pass

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willyam - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

This 29-year-old guy has known his 28-year-old girlfriend for fifteen years, but they only started dating five years ago.

Since he’s known his girlfriend for such a long time, he feels there’s nothing about her that’s surprising or secretive.

He knows she’s always been into monogamy and never was the kind of person to be interested in a one-night stand.

They’re in a monogamous relationship, by the way, and he’s never had a reason not to trust her. She’s never shown an interest in an open relationship, so when she asked for a hall pass recently, he was shocked.

His girlfriend attended a three-week-long surf camp, and when she returned home, she mentioned signing up for a second surf camp trip that will last three months.

Now, they’re about to move into a new apartment together, so he’s surprised she wants to take three months away for this camp, but he’s not bothered by that; he’s bothered by her request for a hall pass.

His girlfriend says she needs to have the hall pass so she can be totally free and not tied down while on her trip.

“And she wants to have it one time before we get kids or get on more in life, and she’ll regret not being able to have complete freedom for once,” he explained.

“On her 3-week trip, she said she didn’t do anything but said there was a situation [in] which she thought she would probably have gotten [physical] with somebody if she would have been single.”

Sunset Sea water ocean wave

willyam – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

“I don’t know what to do or think. I don’t really understand her perspective since she’s the one pushing for us moving together to a bigger place, getting kids eventually and so. She says she missed me and wants to get old with me, but she needs the total freedom just once. She’s ready to put the relationship on the line if I don’t accept it or grant it.”

His girlfriend even admitted to him it’s a “crazy” way for her to be, but these are her feelings. She agreed to let him have one free hall pass, too, but she asked that he not inform her if he hooks up with another girl.

Adding to the weirdness, his girlfriend stated that she would be heartbroken if he hooked up with someone other than her, but that’s a consequence she has to live with, considering she wants a hall pass.

He thinks that the guy she was into on the three-week trip is probably going on the next trip his girlfriend signed up for, which sparked her interest in temporarily opening up their relationship.

He’s so puzzled by his girlfriend’s request, and he’s feeling entirely overwhelmed by it. He’s left wondering if any girls can understand where his girlfriend is coming from.

Do you sympathize with her and do you have any advice for him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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