A Guy Asked Her To Split Their $24 Dinner Bill, Complained About The Cost, Then Tried To Hook Up With Her In His Car

romantic couple eating street tacos at outdoor mexican restaurant
Joshua Resnick - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people - pictured above a couple eats tacos in a restaurant

This 21-year-old girl went on the worst date of her life last night, starring a 24-year-old guy. He suggested they go to a Spanish tapas-style restaurant.

They ordered two plates each, which amounted to $6 per plate, and this guy began complaining to her about the cost, even though it’s hard to go out to eat for cheaper than that.

When they were done, and the check got brought over to their table, her date stared at it, then stared at her.

Finally, he asked her to split the bill with him, which she found off-putting, as he was the one who asked her out on a date.

“I think at least for the first date, the person that asks, whether that be guy or girl, should pay, and then it should flip flop after that,” she explained.

“I have also never been asked to split the bill by a guy, especially not a $24 bill, so I was just put off.”

Then, her date mentioned that he was still hungry after that and they should find another restaurant to go to.

A couple of storefronts down, they found a Mexican place, walked in, and they ordered separately. She got tacos, they sat down, and she ended up eating one and a half of her tacos.

As she was organizing her plate to throw in the trash, her date asked if he could eat her half-eaten taco.

romantic couple eating street tacos at outdoor mexican restaurant

Joshua Resnick – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

“I honestly find that disgusting,” she added. “So as we’re walking back to my car, he says, “I’m just gonna be blunt, I think you’re really cute. Would you want to go to my car and find a place to hook up?”

“At this point, I want to run for the hills. I say no, point blank. I then offer to drive him to his car because it’s way further than mine, and it’s 35 degrees outside.”

They were discussing the food they ate, and then he asked her a rude question about her experience with guys.

She was able to dance around the question, but then this guy said to her they can go to a parking lot to hook up.

She couldn’t believe he brought that up again, especially since she already turned him down the first time he asked.

“I just got ghosted by a guy I really like and wanted to move on with a good date, but I think I may just take a break for a while. I hate dating,” she concluded.

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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