Her Daughter’s Livid Since She Banned Her Critical Vegan Boyfriend From Coming To Thanksgiving

Brent Hofacker - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

This 49-year-old woman is a mom to two kids, 19-year-old Ben and 22-year-old Mia. Mia has a 23-year-old boyfriend, Jake, whom she’s been with for about a year so far.

She’s met Jake on a handful of occasions, and she’s hardly impressed. Jake pretends to have great manners, but spend enough time with him, and he’s sure to rub you the wrong way.

Jake’s vegan and loves voicing his opinions on food. At every single family event, Jake has gone out of his way to criticize their dishes while badgering them for not eating organic or meat-free meals.

In the beginning, she thought Jake was just overly enthusiastic and young, but as time went on, it really irritated her.

“The last time Jake came over for dinner, I made a pasta dish with a side of salad to accommodate his dietary preferences,” she explained.

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“Despite this effort, he still managed to criticize the meal, asking why I didn’t use “real” Parmesan cheese (since authentic Parmesan isn’t vegan). When I offered him dessert, an apple pie I baked from scratch, he declined and said he doesn’t eat sugar because it’s “toxic.”

“He didn’t just decline, though he launched into a five-minute lecture about how processed foods are ruining society. The rest of the family was visibly uncomfortable, and I had to steer the conversation away to keep the peace.”

She hosts Thanksgiving every year, and it’s a super important day for her family. She invests weeks of her time into organizing a plan of what to cook for everyone.

She always has mashed potatoes, turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie, and green bean casserole, as it’s not Thanksgiving to her family without the classics.

Brent Hofacker – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

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She is proud of what she puts together, and she adores that the holiday brings her loved ones closer to one another.

She’s having around 15 people on her guest list this year, and Mia asked if she could invite Jake to be there, too.

She paused, recalling all of Jake’s prior interactions around their dinner table, and finally mentioned to Mia she didn’t think it was going to work.

“She promised he’d be on his best behavior and wouldn’t make any comments about the food,” she said. “I still felt uneasy. I know she loves him, but I don’t think she fully grasps how uncomfortable his attitude has made the rest of us.”

“After thinking about it for a few days, I told her no. I explained that Thanksgiving is stressful enough without worrying about Jake criticizing the meal or making anyone feel judged. I said I wanted this day to be about family, tradition, and enjoyment, not navigating dietary debates or awkward tension.”

“Mia was furious. She accused me of being unfair and disrespectful, saying that Jake is an important part of her life and should be treated as such. She argued that I’m making assumptions about his behavior without giving him a chance to prove he can behave.”

She doubled down on excluding Jake and reiterated to Mia that it was important for her to keep the holiday conflict-free.

Mia is threatening not to show up now, and her son Ben believes she’s being dramatic and should allow Jake to be there with them.

As for her husband, he’s not sure what side he should choose, as he gets why she’s over Jake, but he feels putting a ban on him is too much.

“Now, I’m second-guessing myself. I don’t dislike Jake as a person, but his behavior puts me in a difficult position,” she continued.

“I don’t want to ruin Thanksgiving, but I also don’t think it’s fair to prioritize Jake’s feelings over the comfort of the rest of the family. Mia thinks I’m being unreasonable, Ben thinks I’m being too strict, and my husband just wants everyone to get along.”

“At this point, I’m starting to wonder if I’m being inflexible or if I have a right to set boundaries in my own home.”

Do you think she should allow Jake to come to Thanksgiving or stand her ground on her daughter’s critical vegan boyfriend?

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