She Caught Her Husband Lying To Another Woman About Them Getting Divorced On Their Cat Camera

Three years ago, this 40-year-old woman married her 39-year-old husband, and they actually met through Reddit back in 2018.
Now, her husband has a drinking problem, but he hid the severity from her until they ended up living with one another.
They’ve gone to counseling together two different times in an effort to get him help. She’s straight-up asked her husband not to drink anymore, or at least cut back, but he refuses.
She’s also encouraged him to seek out individual therapy, but he’s not interested in fixing his problem.
Her husband is mean when drinking, and he tends to scream at her and say things that hurt her feelings. When he’s not doing that, he’s busy ignoring her.
His drinking is so out of control that he misses work for days in a row, and occasionally, he’ll miss an entire week.
She can’t understand how her husband still has a job, given his lack of reliability. Oh, and he randomly passes out in their home, so she’s constantly concerned that he will hurt himself.
She’s currently in Japan for work, and her husband accompanied her but left to go back home on Sunday.
He arrived Monday morning and, of course, instantly picked up the bottle. Since then, he’s gone more than 24 hours without texting her. – – illustrative purposes only – pictured above is a cat in a living room
She grew worried that perhaps something was wrong, so she logged into the app they have for the camera that watches their cats to see if she could figure out if he was ok or not.
“It caught him walking past on the phone,” she explained. “He was telling some woman that he’s told me he’s talking to other people; he only wears his ring because people expect him to; we’ve been talking about divorce and splitting up properties.”
Hearing her husband tell this random woman all of these lies absolutely broke her heart. She adores her husband and has been through so much with him.
But listening to him on the phone made her realize he’s nothing but a liar, and she has to let him go.
It’s not healthy for her to be with her husband, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less to know she can’t remain married to him.
“I feel so worthless and unlovable, and I kept asking what it is about me that makes him want to go elsewhere, and the answer is most likely nothing,” she said.
“I think I’m a good wife, a good person. I try, I’m patient and empathetic with him about the drinking; I know it’s a disease that becomes hard to battle. I try to forgive what he says when he’s drinking. But I can’t forgive the betrayal.”
What advice do you have for her?
You can read the original post below.

Pictured above is a screenshot of the original post for you to read
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