She Just Found Out Her Friend’s Been Lying About Being A Nurse For The Last Decade

Fourteen years ago, this 32-year-old woman graduated from high school, and ten years ago, she graduated from college.
She has a friend named Amy she’s close to from high school, and back then, all anyone could talk about was what college everyone was attending.
She ended up going to a well-known state school, and Amy picked a smaller college close to home to go to school for nursing.
They stayed close through college, and she would come home on the weekends to get dinner with Amy, or Amy would occasionally drive up to visit her.
After college, she moved to the other side of the country to attend graduate school, while Amy got into a prestigious residency program for recent nursing graduates at a hospital in their hometown.
“My mom is a nurse in the same hospital system Amy started at and told me it was a big deal for Amy to get in because the program has less than a 10% acceptance rate,” she explained.
“I was really proud. We drifted apart a little bit when I moved, but she still stood up in my wedding, and we tried to catch up every time I came home.”
During the pandemic Amy said she was working in the ICU. She made sure to check up on Amy, as she was worried about her stressful line of work.
Amy recounted the nightmares she had to deal with while saying it was tough for her to talk about. What Amy told her was in line with what her other friends working in the ICU said, so she never doubted that Amy was there in the middle of the chaos.

Halfpoint – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person – pictured above a young female nurse stands in a surgical room
Last summer, Amy brought up leaving the nursing field so she could pursue a career in business since it was not as stressful.
“Fast forward to about a month ago. I was following a news story from the state we grew up in (think true crime), and people in the comments started arguing about whether or not someone involved was a nurse,” she said.
“One person posted the link to the state nursing licensure database. I clicked it and was trying to see how much information it would provide about someone, so I put in Amy’s name…and nothing came up.”
She recalled that her mom had searched for Amy in that same system five years ago without finding her, and when she had asked Amy if she was doing something else, Amy still said she was a nurse.
She chalked the discrepancy up to her mom not being that great with technology. She then reached out to a friend who has a mom working at the same hospital as Amy, but Amy couldn’t be located in their database either.
She kept searching for information, failing to find Amy’s name on a list of graduates from her college.
She also thought about how she had never seen graduation photos with Amy in them, even though she had met her college friends.
“I dug more and found out from court records that she’s had financial troubles – she’s been sued by debt collection agencies multiple times in the past few years,” she added.
“And eventually, I was able to figure out what she actually does – she’s the office manager for a dental practice. A totally normal and not worth hiding job. Her bio on the practice’s website said she’s been working there for 8 years.”
Moving to social media, she found one of Amy’s friends had shared a photo of her four years ago, thanking her for answering their medical questions while calling her their “favorite nurse.”
Amy took the tag out so that it didn’t appear on her personal page. She also located a post from Amy’s mom, talking about an RN pin, so it seems Amy’s own family believed her lie, too.
However, Amy is not currently friends with her parents on social media, so she guesses they might not be on speaking terms.
She can’t believe Amy would lie to her for a decade about being a nurse, but over the years, Amy has lied to her about minor things.
She’s only shared this newfound information with her own mom and dad, as well as some people who do not know Amy.
Some individuals in her life suspect that perhaps Amy’s humiliated because she dropped out of college and feared being judged.
There are mixed opinions on how she should handle Amy, and she’s gotten advice ranging from straight-up asking her about it to ghosting her.
“She’s texted me a few times recently and I just haven’t known what to say. “Hello, I realize your life is a lie?” she wondered.
Do you think she should confront Amy?
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