He Called His Friend’s Fiancée A Villain For How She Treated His Special Needs Son

New Africa - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man’s best friend, Mike, has a 44-year-old son named Lane, who is special needs. Three years ago, Mike’s wife Anna passed, and now Mike is engaged to Misty.

His own wife made a promise to Anna before she died that she would pitch in to help care for Lane, and his wife has lived up to that promise.

“She takes him to doctor’s appointments and keeps him with her on days that his day program is closed,” he explained.

“We’ve kept him many times for days or up to a week while his dad was out of town for work. He’s special needs, but probably about like having a very well-behaved 7-year-old around. He’s fine to go to a restaurant or the movies or shopping. He’s polite. He’s able to bathe and dress himself.”

“Lane started acting out as soon as Misty was in the picture. He repeatedly told my wife that Misty talked to him ‘mean’ and told him, “There’s nothing wrong with you. You are just a lazy brat and a burden to Mike.”

When Lane confided in his wife about how Misty was treating him, his wife believed it. Lane has never once concocted tall tales.

Additionally, if Lane was making it up, he would not have referred to Mike by his first name – he would have referred to him as Dad when he recounted the incident.

His wife privately spoke to Mike about what Lane had said to her. Sadly, Mike didn’t buy it and insisted Misty would never be cruel to Lane.

As for Misty, she said she would never do such a thing and accused Lane of being a liar for not liking that she took over Anna’s spot.

New Africa – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Well, Lane’s little brother decided to record Misty and Lane to get to the bottom of everything, and sure enough, Misty got caught saying exactly what Lane relayed to his wife.

Several days after that happened, Mike and Misty were at his home. Mike then wanted to know if Misty could spend time with his wife and Lane in order to assist Misty with feeling comfortable around Lane.

Mike said Misty feels too overburdened with Lane, and he thought that was absolutely ridiculous. Lane is not a burden to have around in the least.

He’s extremely polite, he gets along great with pets and children, he’s on his best behavior when out in public – there’s nothing to be stressed out about when it comes to Lane.

He’s actually not a patient person in the least, and he doesn’t have any problems spending all day with Lane. Lane can take care of himself, and he pitches in to make dinner and picks up after himself. He’s easy to be around, so he had no sympathy for Misty.

“I said, “You gotta be…kidding me. You can’t seriously think it’s okay to leave Lane with Cruella de Vil after what she’s done. It wasn’t an accident. She was verbally abusing your son. Anna is probably rolling over in her grave,” he added.

Mike is not happy with him for calling Misty a villain, as Mike expects him to be sympathetic to her frustrations with Lane.

He feels Misty is nothing but an evil, wicked stepmom and that Lane should not have to be around her period. He just doesn’t understand how his wife is supposed to teach Misty not to be verbally abusive.

He’s left wondering if it was mean of him to call Misty Cruella de Vil after all.

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