He Misses His Wife Making Him Feel Special, Which Doesn’t Happen Now That They Have Kids
My mom always said that when you have kids, they have to come first, and she wasn’t wrong about that. This man and his wife are in their 30s, and they have two children together.
Their kids consume their lives, and he feels more like he’s a bank account to his family members than somebody important.
Specifically, he misses his wife making him feel special, which no longer happens now that they have kids to focus on.
He and his wife aren’t really physical because that’s not on the list of priorities. As for what he wants in life, that’s not important either, since everything comes down to what his wife or his kids want.
He no longer gets any real attention. The kids are all over his wife, and their families focus more on his wife, too.
“Respect? Gone. The importance of the family is mom, kids, then me. If we get a dog, I’m sure the dog will be above me in the “pecking order,” he explained.
“I love my wife, I love my kids, but I miss having some attention paid to me as well. Yes, this is a selfish post, but that’s kind of the point.”
“When it was me and my wife, I was shown how important I was to her. It made me feel good as a man. Now, I am just a tool to be used and discarded.”
He misses how his wife used to be all over him. He misses feeling like she wants him. He misses feeling like he’s special because of who he is and not what he has to give.
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He’s frustrated feeling like this, but he’s positive he’s hardly the only man in this position. Whenever he ends up on the internet and sees other people talking about the problems in their own marriage, the advice offered up is always centered on the husband’s role in fixing things.
It’s not like he could even do more or be more in his marriage to make things between him and his wife better, as he does a ton around their house.
“I’m the only one who cooks; I do the shopping, I do the cleaning, I fix the house, I pack my kids lunches, I make the baby bottles,” he continued.
“My wife does a lot, too, but I’m just saying that I’m not the worthless husband trope. So it feels a bit like if I ask for the things I said in my post that I am being unfair.”
What advice do you have for him?
You can read the original post below.
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