He Picked Up His Cheating Wife At The Airport With A Sign Confessing They’re Over And A Bouquet Of Flowers

man holding red rose bouquet in paper
photographmd - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man’s wife hopped on a plane and said she was going to spend some time with a friend of hers, but then he figured out that the friend was none other than his wife’s affair partner, who also happens to be her coworker.

He refers to the guy as his wife’s “manstress,” and he pieced together the infidelity after he found a transaction on his wife’s bank account that clearly was not intended for them or their children.

“The item was obviously for someone specifically outside of the family, and it was another man,” he explained.

“She said she’d cut things off and that it wasn’t anything special.”

But then he came across an email that revealed his wife was visiting her affair partner on that trip to see her friend, so she lied to him.

It crossed his mind to pick his wife up at the airport with their kids, who are seven and four, and instead of waiting curbside for her, he wanted to drag everyone inside to catch his wife in the act. He also anticipated it would be impactful for his wife to have to stand there and look at everyone she was hurting with her affair.

He then thought better of it and got his kids to stay with their neighbor, even though they were so excited to go with him to pick up his wife.

So, he went to their airport all by himself, armed with a little bit of his own confrontational material.

“I went solo with a small bouquet and a sign saying, “I’m done,” he said. “Unfortunately or fortunately, he [his wife’s affair partner] was not with her as he caught an earlier flight.”

man holding red rose bouquet in paper
photographmd – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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“She immediately knew I knew he had joined her there, and guilt was shown. There was no confrontation or scene that almost everyone expected or maybe wanted.”

“We spoke on the way home and we’ll discuss things further the rest of the week. Unbeknownst to me, she already put in her resignation effective Friday. I won’t bother with future plans, but divorce is an 80% possibility.”

Do you think he should file for divorce or try to reconcile with his wife?

You can read the original post below.

Pictured above is a screenshot of the original post for you to read
Pictured above is a second screenshot of the original post for you to read

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