Her Brother-In-Law Freaked Out On Her For Not Wanting To Be Her Sister’s Surrogate

Beautiful happy young pregnant woman
YouraPechkin - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old woman is about to welcome her third child into the world, and then she is signing up for a hysterectomy along with her c-section.

Now her time of the month started at the age of nine, and she has been in an intense amount of pain ever since then.

She doubted she could even be pregnant considering her complications, and while she’s thankful for her children, there’s just no way around it: the pain she’s been experiencing has been absolutely torturous for her.

Now, her 31-year-old sister really wants to be a mom, and although she’s undergone multiple fertility treatments, it’s not helping.

Several times, her sister has been told that a surrogate is looking like the best option for her, but her sister was opposed to the idea.

“In another situation, one where I didn’t have all the problems I have, I would have offered for her because we’re so close,” she explained.

“But I need to be done. I don’t know if I’ll honestly survive like I have been if I wait another couple of years or more so my sister can have kids.”

“In December, my sister came right out and asked me not to have the hysterectomy yet and to be her surrogate so she can be a mother too.”

She apologized and said to her sister that she would be her surrogate if she wasn’t struggling so much with her health.

Beautiful happy young pregnant woman
YouraPechkin – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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While her sister was angry, she ultimately said that she got where she was coming from and would move on in time.

She knew her sister was still upset, but she wasn’t about to get into an argument with her over such a sensitive subject.

On Christmas Day, she spent it with her family, and while everyone was preoccupied, her brother-in-law pulled her aside and freaked out on her for declining to be her sister’s surrogate.

He called her selfish and said she clearly didn’t love her sister. Her mom and husband overheard everything, so they intervened.

Although they stuck up for her, they didn’t get through to her brother-in-law, who walked away saying she shattered her sister’s heart by refusing to be a surrogate.

“The rest of Christmas Day was strained, and afterward, my sister told me she was sorry about her husband, but they were just so upset, and they felt robbed of having a baby biologically related to the two of them,” she continued.

“I told her I was so sorry and I was here if she needed me. BIL reached out and said my sister might be sorry, but he still thinks I’m incredibly selfish.”

What advice do you have for her?

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