Her Husband Admitted He Would Pick His Dead Wife Over Her In Front Of Their Friends

This 34-year-old woman’s 37-year-old husband was married before they got together to his high school sweetheart.
Her husband and his first wife had a relationship that endured long-distance when they attended college, and after they graduated, they tied the knot.
“She passed away unexpectedly at age 26 from an aneurysm, and it obviously devastated him, especially because they were extremely young. They never had children,” she explained.
“He contemplated remarrying because he was so heartbroken, but we ended up meeting about four years after that. We got married when I was 31, and he was 34, and [we] have two children.”
Yesterday evening, she and her husband got together with their friends for a potluck dinner party. One of their friends just got divorced and wanted to discuss that with everyone.
More friends weighed in with love stories of their own, and she added that she never envisioned getting married since she had awful luck with guys in her past.
But she sweetly declared that her husband changed everything for her, and she was fortunate to have him in her life.
Her husband turned the conversation to his first wife, and their friends are aware that her husband’s wife passed away.
“He was talking about her and then drops a bomb and goes, “If she walked through that front door right now, I’d pick up where we left off,” she added.

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“If I am being honest, it felt like someone put my heart into a blender and punched me in the gut as hard as they could. Everyone in the room could sense the awkwardness that followed.”
She put a brave face on, laughed, and pretended that it wasn’t the most hurtful thing that anyone has ever said to her.
What’s eating at her is that if her husband would pick his dead wife over her, why did he decide to walk down the aisle for a second time? Why is she even his wife?
She has not pushed her husband to move on and stop grieving his loss, and she can’t picture what it’s like to lose a romantic partner in such a tragic way, as she’s never been in that situation.
“But I would never SAY that in front of my new spouse,” she continued. “After the gathering, we left and I did not speak to him the entire car ride home or barely the entire night.”
“I did tell him that what he said hurt my feelings deeply and that we could talk in the morning once I’ve calmed down because I didn’t want to say something mean to him. I ended up sleeping on the couch because he would not leave me alone.”
She’s really not sure where they can go from here. What advice do you have for her?
You can read the original post below.

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