Her Husband Wants Her To Get Rid Of Her Cats So His Mom Can Move In With Them

Woman on sofa playing with her cat in the living room
Stefany - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or cat

What would you do if your significant other said you have to get rid of your beloved pets so their parent can move in with you? Would you be on board or say no way?

Seven years ago, this 25-year-old woman met her 24-year-old husband, and five months ago, they tied the knot.

She and her husband got two pet cats two years ago, and they are truly wonderful. Right now, she and her husband are saving up their cash to be able to afford to purchase a home together.

Lately, she and her husband have been having more serious discussions about what their immediate future will look like when they buy their house.

Her husband is insisting that his mom, his mom’s husband, and his 19-year-old sister should all be allowed to move in with them.

While she thinks it’s admirable for her husband to step in and help his family out, especially as his mom grows older, she’s got one major problem with his plan.

The thing is, her husband’s mom has asthma and is allergic to their pet cats, so her husband expects her to get rid of them!

She told her husband she has no problem with his mom moving in, but under no circumstances will she force her cats out of the house.

Her husband will not budge on this, and the thing is, his mom is only 55, so it’s not like she’s elderly and desperately needs somewhere new to live.

Woman on sofa playing with her cat in the living room
Stefany – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or cat

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“I had made suggestions where they [the cats] can even stay [in] ONE room,” she explained. “He even asked me about my parents, and I told him the same thing.”

“If they want to live with us…I’M NOT getting rid of my fur babies. But he doesn’t agree with me.. he’s saying that I put them before my parents.”

She’s left wondering how she can get through to her husband and make him see that her cats are not going to be packing their bags anytime soon.

What advice do you have for her?

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