Her Husband Wants To Fund The Legal Fees For His Murderer Of A Family Member, Even Though That Jeopardizes Their Financial Security

close up of dollar banknotes in rolls with rubber bands
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

This woman never imagined that she would find herself in the situation she’s landed in along with her husband, and it’s something that will risk all of their savings.

Now, her husband has had a rough upbringing, and it’s largely to do with the mental illness that runs in their side of the family.

Overall, her in-laws have their hearts in the right places, so she doesn’t blame them necessarily for the struggles her husband endured throughout his life.

Since her husband is the first member of his family to enjoy financial success, they send money back to his parents in his home country to help them out.

“My point with all of this is that my partner has always been adamant that we don’t raise our child in financial distress and away from the type of environment he grew up in, and we both like living a comfortable lifestyle,” she explained.

“This has been a conversation we’ve had many times before marriage and before we had our child.”

Recently, her husband’s sibling was tragically murdered, and they then learned that the murderer is none of other than this person’s own child!

This is absolutely insane to her, as this child was posting all over social media about how they were hoping the murderer would be caught when they themselves were the culprit.

Her husband believes that they should not only issue forgiveness to the murderer, but he wants to jeopardize their financial security to fund this person’s legal fees.

close up of dollar banknotes in rolls with rubber bands
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

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Her husband wants to put an outlandish sum of money into the legal defense of the murderer, and he expects to provide financial support here for the next few years.

“I’m absolutely gobsmacked because we are not in a position to put more money aside than we already do without sacrificing our lifestyle (we will have to start micro-managing each and every expense; and we decided before we got married to both work high-paying jobs to avoid exactly this situation),” she said.

“We’ve recently had a baby, and childcare/everything related to having a child has been way more expensive than we thought; plus, we now have to bear the full financial burden of his sibling’s funeral since no one else in his family has the money to do so.”

“I am glad to help out his family, and I wouldn’t mind sacrificing our lifestyle at all if it was in pursuit of justice or something. But I can’t see the point in hiring an expensive team for someone that even my partner agrees killed his sibling.”

While her husband is arguing that his sibling would want him to step up and provide this kind of assistance, she deems the murderer beyond help.

The murderer is troubled beyond belief and, in the past, refused everyone’s assistance when they were trying to help them go down a better path in life.

Her husband’s sibling was mentally ill, but they did everything possible to help their child, the murderer, out in life, so the murderer had no valid reason to commit the crime that they did.

“I can’t help but feel that my partner’s grief is blinding him. I feel like he is considering the comfort of a literal murderer (who couldn’t even be bothered to greet us and our newborn when we visited just half a year ago because they had a hangover) more than the financial well-being of our own little family,” she continued.

“And he just straight up made this decision without me; came up to me and told me he wanted to do this but didn’t have the mental capacity or energy to talk about it.”

“How on earth do I even begin to talk to him about this? I know I can’t tell him how to manage his grief, but would I even be able to tell him that I personally DON’T want to support someone who killed their parent and then pretended to be devastated about it on Facebook?”

You can read the original post below.

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