Her Stepdaughter’s Lashing Out At Her Daughter In Jealousy, But Her Husband’s Refusing To Punish Her

Portrait of an attractive thirty year old white woman in red posing on a , Brussels
Werner - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 43-year-old woman has two children of her own: a 12-year-old son and a 16-year-old daughter. She also has two stepchildren, Annie and Jamie.

Annie is 14-years-old and participates in her school’s basketball team. Annie’s been involved in the sport since she was a little kid. Since she wears glasses, she uses sports goggles when she’s playing with her team.

“That might have been fine as a kid, but she’s a teenager now, and she’s been getting bullied at school for it,” she explained.

“Recently, one girl on her team took a photo of her during practice and spread it around. Annie has been begging my husband and her mom for contacts, but they think she’s too young. Because of this, she’s been acting out.”

“My daughter plays tennis, and I’ve allowed her to wear contacts at 11 because of it. Annie has been very obviously jealous of this and recently even went into her room and threw out her contacts.”

Her husband has done nothing to punish Annie or hold her responsible for her actions. He thinks Annie will get over this all shortly, so he shouldn’t intervene.

The thing is, her husband’s wrong: Annie is not getting over her jealousy at all. Things have gotten so terrible that she purchased a safe for her daughter to keep in her room so she can protect her belongings.

Not only that, but she allows her daughter to lock her bedroom door before leaving their home so Annie can’t get in there.

“My husband thinks I’m teaching my daughter that it’s okay to be distrustful of Annie and to guard against her,” she continued.

Portrait of an attractive thirty year old white woman in red posing on a , Brussels
Werner – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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“He feels that’s unfair to Annie, who is just going through some hard times. I told him I wanted her to face some consequences for throwing the contact lenses and such, but my husband just asked me how can I expect him to punish a girl being bullied at school.”

“I told him then if that’s the case, my daughter will be allowed to keep her safe and her door locked. He thinks I’m being unreasonable and sowing discord between the girls.”

She’s left wondering if she’s wrong for wanting her husband to wake up and start giving Annie consequences for her actions.

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