He’s Reminding You To Stop Comparing Yourself To People Who Have More Than You, Because Nothing Is Ever As It Seems

pictured above is Jake in his video, talking about how you should stop comparing what you have to what everyone else has
TikTok - @jake_no_khakis - pictured above is Jake in his video, talking about how you should stop comparing what you have to what everyone else has

It is so easy to look around at what other people have and feel jealous or inadequate or like you’re not where you should be at this point in your life, and social media truly amplifies feeling less than.

But comparison is the thief of joy, isn’t it?

Jake Sutton, who goes by @jake_no_khakis on TikTok, is here to remind us all that we need to stop comparing ourselves to people who seem to have more than we do.

“If you’re one of these people that thinks that they should be doing a lot better in life or a lot farther along, and you’re wondering why it seems like so many other people are doing so much better, like they have the house, or they just got new cars, or they’re going on trips or whatever, I’m here to tell you that most of the time, it’s all smoke and mirrors,” Jake started out by saying in his video.

Now, Jake lives in an area that’s pretty wealthy. Sitting in the pickup line at his kids’ school, he looks around and lists off all of these fancy new cars people are driving.

When Jake first began taking his kids to this particular school, he wanted to know what kinds of careers these other parents had that could afford them such luxuries.

But as he began to get to know the other parents at school, it dawned on him that they were not succeeding the way it came across as to someone from the outside looking in.

One parent Jake knows lives in a house with five bedrooms, they drive a truck that costs over $100,000, and they recently redid the pool in their backyard to the tune of $60,000. They seem to have it all, but they don’t have a penny to their name.

“And they are in crippling debt,” Jake pointed out. “Let me say that again – crippling debt. Like you sit here and wonder how they’re paying for all this…they’re not.”

“They’re not paying for this. It’s all smoke and mirrors. People see these things, and it’s discouraging for them because they’re like, ‘God, why don’t I have that? What am I doing wrong that they have that, and I don’t have these things, and I don’t have my stuff together?'”

pictured above is Jake in his video, talking about how you should stop comparing what you have to what everyone else has
TikTok – @jake_no_khakis – pictured above is Jake in his video, talking about how you should stop comparing what you have to what everyone else has

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Jake warns you that nothing is ever what it appears to be. He says if you can afford to go out to eat a handful of nights a week and still have money left over to save every month, you’re doing better than most people.

So, stop comparing yourself to other people and be happy with what you’ve been able to achieve.

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