His Ex-Wife’s Allowing Their Teen Daughter To Date The 41-Year-Old Dad Of Her Friend Since He Spoils Her Rotten

Back in 2021, this man got divorced, and he and his ex-wife have a 16-year-old daughter together. Their custody schedule is such that their daughter spends two weeks with his ex and then two weeks with him before switching.
His daughter will be 17 in June, and she’s really a wonderful kid. His daughter is genuinely the kindest soul he’s ever met in his life.
His daughter also excels in school, is popular, participates in plenty of extracurricular activities, and is always full of joy. He can’t say he’s ever had a problem with his daughter because she’s overall the best kid.
Not that long ago, his daughter shared the news with him that she was dating her very first boyfriend, and he was excited for her.
He wanted to know more, but his daughter made him promise that he wouldn’t get angry with her, which threw him for a loop.
His daughter went on to say that she’s dating the 41-year-old father of one of her friends, which means this guy is 25 years older than his daughter.
His daughter met this guy back in July, but they only officially started dating in October, and she’s been keeping this hidden from him since she knew he would freak.
It turns out her daughter’s male friend set her up with his dad since his dad was feeling lonely after getting divorced.
His ex is fully aware of the relationship, and she’s supportive of it too. He instantly texted his ex to confirm she was on board with their daughter’s boyfriend, and her response shocked him.

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“So what if he’s older? He treats her great, takes amazing care of her, and has the means to spoil her rotten. He makes her feel like a princess,” his ex texted back.
“Not that you’d know anything about being that kind of man; when we were together, I had to work side by side with you, wasted my prime instead of using it to my advantage…that’s what I got for dating a man my age.”
“She’s very happy, very in love, and having tons of fun. The man is very respectful, constantly encourages her to do well in school, brings her home at the set time, doesn’t try to control her, etc. Stop being such a pain in the [backside].”
Now, they do live in Germany, and the rules there are quite different than here in America. You’re considered to be a consenting adult at the age of 14, so because his daughter is beyond that cut-off, it’s not like he can get the authorities involved.
Also, there is an age-gap consideration if you are 14, but since his daughter is 16, that limit is lifted, and in the eyes of the law, what his daughter is doing is perfectly fine.
So, while the law is on his daughter’s side and so is his ex, he’s not. He thinks it’s inappropriate for his daughter to be in a relationship with a 41-year-old man.
“I had a chat with my daughter. Non-judgemental, about men, safety, predatory behavior, etc. She’s head over heels for him,” he continued.
“I made it clear that I’ll always be there for her no matter what if she needs anything: support, help, advice, etc. She can talk to me about anything. She understood that I feel uncomfortable and agreed to not meet him when she lives with me.”
What do you think?
You can read the original post below.

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