His Parents Demanded He Give Them Half His Salary Since That’s Their Retirement Plan, And They Feel He Owes Them

remote job, technology and people concept - young man with notebook and laptop computer working at home office
Syda Productions - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Not that long ago, this 22-year-old man landed a full-time position, and then he moved back in with his mom and dad in order to be able to save up some cash.

Living with his parents wasn’t a part of his long-term plan – it was simply a short-term savings strategy for him.

Now, as soon as he moved back in with his parents, they insisted that he had to fork over half of his salary on a monthly basis. They argued that it was his responsibility as their son to want to invest in helping them.

While he was happy to contribute something to his mom and dad, he felt that their asking for literally half of his take-home pay was excessive.

I mean, how is he going to be able to save up if he has to give his parents so much of his money?

“When I pushed back, they got nasty. One night, during an argument, my mom outright said, “We only kept you around because you’d eventually pay us back. You owe us for everything we spent raising you,” he explained.

“My dad agreed, laughing that I was their “retirement plan.” I was stunned and hurt, but I had the presence of mind to save the [conversation] using Reclip.”

“I didn’t say much after that and just focused on planning my next move. A few days later, I visited my grandparents (who have always been kind and supportive) and played them the Reclip. They were horrified.”

His grandparents quickly suggested that he should come to live in their house instead. They additionally informed his parents that they’re financially cutting them off until they can treat him better.

remote job, technology and people concept - young man with notebook and laptop computer working at home office
Syda Productions – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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His mom and dad are currently livid with him and saying that he’s a “manipulative brat” who has destroyed their family.

He’s left wondering if it was wrong of him to decline to give his mom and dad half of his salary. What do you think?

You can read the original post below.

Pictured above is a screenshot of the original post for you to read
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