She Was Dating Her Boss, Who’s 33 Years Older Than Her, And He Just Destroyed Her Life

BGStock72 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When this 22-year-old woman accepted her first job, she had no idea that it would end with her 55-year-old boss destroying her life.

As soon as her boss spotted her, he was all over her and he instantly hired her to be an intern. Now, her boss is extremely established in their industry, and he works in the C-suite.

After she got hired, her boss wasted no time bringing her along to various events, just the two of them going from their office, though that was not in her job description.

“And he pursued me. I did not know what he was doing until he started to get possessive and obsessive over me,” she explained.

“I don’t know how I let myself fall for him. He is my father’s age. He was incredibly adamant and love-bombed me within a month of knowing me – and I fell for it. It’s crazy what I’m about to say: but he poured all of him into me.”

“He would hyperventilate if I missed a phone call, would freak out if something ever gave him the slightest notion that I might leave him. He would carry my worn t-shirts with him on trips to sniff them. He’d get offended if he was ever holding my hand and I let go of it, and even if I’d ever say no to him hand-feeding me food.”

He clung to her in a disturbingly controlling way when they were out in public, as if he was claiming to own her. Even when she got nervous about it, he wouldn’t stop.

They eventually started dating as she says, and her boss suffocated her with how much attention he paid her. He even said he would spend the remainder of his life by her side, and he was not concerned about anyone in their office discovering their romance.

He confessed that he was head over heels in love with her. He introduced her to his friends, his son (who is actually older than she is) and his parents.

BGStock72 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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He manipulated her daddy issues, coddled her, and fully and intentionally took advantage of her. When she would mention feeling uncomfortable, or if she dared to worry about their coworkers discovering their relationship, he would quit speaking to her as a form of punishment.

He would ignore her when they were in-person at the office and he would not pick up her calls. He would discipline her personally and professionally.

“Every time I’d let go and stop giving him attention/look to shift departments, he would come back and make his way back into my head again to make me stay,” she added.

“Only to abandon me in the end. I have cried and cried and cried for letting myself fall for his tricks every time, for letting myself be manipulated. I am so naive.”

She finally had enough and reached out to HR, requesting to be transferred to a different department while admitting she could no longer work for her boss.

She showed the text messages to HR that she had exchanged with her boss, trying to get them to go after him for harassment, but they said that she consented to a relationship with him, so they dismissed her complaint against her boss.

Her boss obviously found out, so he called a meeting with HR present and laced into her for being an awful employee.

He hurled insults at her, embarrassed her, and wouldn’t let up, so she began crying in front of everyone. She no longer works at this company, and her boss wasted no time hiring another girl to replace her.

“The industry I am in is a small world with everything quite literally hanging onto word-of-mouth, and I have a feeling that he’s bad-mouthed me, because I am not able to get a job elsewhere,” she continued.

“I am just 22 and I let him walk all over me, chew me up and spit me out…He won big time. I am such a dumb…loser.”

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