
Her Sister Is Pregnant With Her Third Child And Her Husband Is Totally An Absent Parent, So She Told Her Sister She Won’t Keep Playing Dad To Her Kids Anymore

sepy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A lot of people know someone who has needed help with raising their kids and nobly stepped in, almost like another parent.

One woman is fed up with her brother-in-law since he hasn’t been there for her sister’s kids as much as she has. 

She’s 22-years-old and has an older sister named Iris, who’s 28. Iris is married to her husband, David, and they have two daughters, who are 5 and 7. 

David is not a present father. Iris works long hours as a doctor, and David works a 9-5 bank job.

However, he still does not find time to step up to the plate and help Iris with their children. As a result, she’s stepped in a lot to help her sister with her nieces.

“I’ve had to cancel so many plans, trips, etc., to take care of my nieces when my sister was busy,” she explained.

“But David was available. 90% of the time, my sister would call me over to babysit, [and] David would be watching sports or hanging out with his friends. I didn’t have the guts to say anything when I was younger, so I just [kept quiet] about it.”

Whenever she’s encouraged Iris to confront David about his lack of effort, Iris hasn’t been receptive to the idea. 

Now, Iris is pregnant with her third baby, and she doesn’t want to continue acting like a parent when she’s only the kids’ aunt. 

sepy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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