
Mom Issues Warning About Installing A Carbon Monoxide Detector After All 6 Of Her Children Ended Up Hospitalized Overnight

She brought the children and their sitter to the ER and called the fire department.

How had this happened? The firefighters’ investigation revealed that the home’s gas furnace had been leaking. Ashlyn reflected on her subsequent conversation about monoxide levels with the firefighters.

“When they respond to these calls, a normal range for them to see is 10-50. Our house was at 600,” One of her sons even had a monoxide level of 39 when this should never rise about 5.

“They said had it been any longer[…]we may not have the good outcome we did.” Ashlyn shared.

A few hours later, the fire chief returned to the house and determined that the monoxide level was at 0, but still recommended the family stay out of the house overnight.

Her advice for parents? “Hold your babies a little tighter today and get yourself a carbon monoxide detector!!”

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