
His Girlfriend’s Friends Are Dating Finance Bros And After His Girlfriend Freaked Out On Him For Not Being Able To Spend That Kind Of Money On Her, He Replied That Maybe He Would If She Was Younger, Skinnier, And Blonde

He thought by making the comment that he did, it would show his girlfriend how hurtful it feels to constantly get compared to other people.

His girlfriend didn’t really get what he was trying to do, and she took it to mean that he has a crush on Kate, even though he doesn’t.

He was only using Kate as a comparison to try to get his girlfriend to see things from his side.

He hasn’t yet broken up with his girlfriend, but they did talk about not moving in with one another as they had originally planned.

He isn’t sure if he should see if his girlfriend would be up for counseling, and he’s lost with what to really do.

“I feel like my girlfriend maybe just needs to date these rich guys for a bit, see if it’s worth it? Like I don’t know,” he continued. “I was so happy before this lifestyle stuff came in.”

How would you feel in this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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