
This Selfless Marine Earned A Purple Heart After Surviving The Bombing Of The Kabul Airport And Being Left Wheelchair Bound

Kelsee bought herself a new pair of Nike’s before she got injured as a homecoming present to herself, and one of the goals she has set for herself is able to put them on all by herself one day soon.

CaringBridge; pictured above are Kelsee’s Nikes

Recently, Kelsey’s mom shared in a CaringBridge update a few days ago that Kelsee was able to graduate from inpatient to outpatient this Thanksgiving.

“She got to come home for a few days and it was so nice to have her home,” Stacey said. “It was an eye-opener how much harder her life is right now.”

“Our home is not set up for wheelchair access, but we made it work and figured it out. It was a good trial run to know what we will need to modify in our home for when she comes home again.”

Kelsee’s family found her an apartment in Chicago after she got to spend a few days home with them, and her apartment is close to Shirley Ryan.

“It’s not fully accessible for her needs right now, but we’ve made it work,” Stacey continued. “She now has the ability to sleep all night long without being woken up by a nurse, woohoo! Granted, it’s a lot more time planning on her part and ours, but the benefits outweigh the negatives.”

“She goes to her research sessions, occupational therapy, and physical therapy every day as she had in the last, but has the freedom to live at “home”…her new apartment.”

Stacey noted that the rent prices in Chicago are extremely high, so the apartment Kelsee is living in is just temporary until they are able to find an affordable apartment that they can rent for her short term.

“She is enjoying her newfound freedom,” Stacey said about Kelsee living on her own. “She has been able to get out and do some Christmas shopping, lunches, and dinner at restaurants, and even got her toes professionally manicured.”

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