
After Financially Supporting Her College Roommate, This TikToker Learned That She Had Been Lying About Being “Broke”

If your friend could not afford to eat, wouldn’t you graciously cover their meal? That is what Meghan Good, a TikToker from the UK, often did for her college roommate.

Little did Meghan know that her roommate, who had been parading as “broke” for an entire year, was actually well-off and lived in a “mansion.”

Meghan went viral on TikTok for sharing the story behind her bizarre realization. When she began college, Meghan was only seventeen years old and had to scrape money together just to afford lunch.

“I was living on prayer, manifestation, and vibes,” Meghan said, “Student finance hadn’t come through, and I did not have any of those sweet, sweet loans. My bank account and I used to look at each other like, ‘Are we going to have respiration for lunch today? Are we going to have air? Because there’s no money.'”

Despite being in a terrible financial spot, Meghan’s roommate had claimed to be struggling much more.

“I used to buy her meals sometimes because she literally had no money. She was poorer than me,” Meghan said. Or so she thought.

By the time freshman year finals wrapped up, Meghan’s roommate had asked her to go out to dinner.

The roommate wanted to celebrate the end of the year, and, after some convincing, Meghan agreed to go. She even saved up all week for the outing.

TikTok; pictured above is Meghan in her video

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