
Only 3 Days After Giving Birth, A Young Mother Thinks She’s Having A Stroke

Bell’s Palsey patients have the appearance of uni-(one)lateral(side) facial drooping, loss of wrinkles and folds on the forehead and mouth, a sagging eye and mouth.

Bell’s Palsey can strike anyone at any age. However, pregnant women are at risk of Bell’s palsy, on average, three times more than nonpregnant women.

Bell’s Palsey is not considered a permanent condition. In most cases, recovery begins 2-weeks to 6-months from when symptoms first occur. Unfortunately, there’s no known cure, but most patients recover full facial strength and movement.

The couple planned to take several weeks off to care for the new baby. But things have changed. It will take some time for Hannah to physically and mentally heal from childbirth and Bell’s Palsey.

She has set up a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds to stay at home and not have to worry about their finances while taking the time she needs to take care of the new baby and herself. For more information, you can find Hannah and Jared’s story here.

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