
Fashionably Unsanitary: Longer Nails Harbor More Bacteria And Fungi That Can Lead To Potentially Fatal Infections Such As MRSA

devmarya - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

From acrylic to gel, long nails have flown back into style in recent years. Pop and rap icons such as Cardi B, Nicki Minaj, and Billie Eilish have been particularly instrumental in setting the trend of longer nail length with flashy designs.

While these nail styles can range from cute to edgy and compliment the wearer’s personal identity, the trend has sadly proven dangerous for health and safety.

In a recent USA Today report, American University professor Jeffrey Kaplan explained how most bacteria find solace underneath fingernails.

“Studies have found thirty-two different bacteria and twenty-eight different fungi underneath fingernails,” Kaplan said.

And while people are always at risk of harboring bacteria under their nails, growing out your nail length to match the latest fashion trends only increases your possible exposure.

“The longer the nail, the more surface area there is for microorganisms to adhere,” Kaplan continued.

Shockingly, one recent study has even found the MRSA under half of all collected fingernail samples.

According to the Mayo Clinic, MRSA is “caused by a type of staph bacteria that has become resistant to many of the antibiotics used to treat ordinary staph infections.”

A MRSA skin infection might first present itself as a swollen and red bump that resembles a pimple. It may be “warm to the touch, full of pus, and accompanied by a fever.”

devmarya – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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