
Fashionably Unsanitary: Longer Nails Harbor More Bacteria And Fungi That Can Lead To Potentially Fatal Infections Such As MRSA

The infection’s resistance to antibiotics also means it can spread and become life-threatening very quickly.

Kaplan explained how trapped infections such as MRSA can enter your body through numerous daily and subconscious behaviors.

“You can transmit fingernail bacteria to your system by scratching, nail-biting, nose-picking, and finger-sucking,” Kaplan said.

And aside from the potentially fatal implications, a high prevalence of bacteria and fungi under your fingernails can also result in nail infections. These infections might leave your nails appearing weak and disfigured.

So, it might be time to ditch the beloved long nail trend in favor of a more sanitary nail design. Even shortening the length of your acrylics to just tips can positively lower the number of bacteria and fungi collected.

Plus, there are still numerous ways to design adorable and in-style shorter nail types. They may even make participating in day-to-day activities like typing and opening containers much easier, too.

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