
Her Mom Left Her Dad And Now Her Dad Is Dating Her Aunt, Yet She’s Supportive Of This

Subbotina Anna - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 21-year-old woman learned less than 2 years ago that her mom was stepping out on her dad.

Her mom then left her dad to be with a coworker, but before her mom did that, she alerted her dad to what her mom was doing behind his back.

Before her mom ruined everything, she never liked her mom much, to begin with. “My mom was never there for me as a mother,” she explained.

“She didn’t care about my upbringing and barely was part of my life. My dad was the one who was beside me every step I took and every hardship I had.”

“Throughout my entire childhood, she was using my father, was always angry with him and treating him (bad). My father would always comply with my mom’s needs and she did nothing in return.”

So I guess you could say her childhood was pretty toxic; just like her mom. Even though her mom was awful to her, she always had a mother figure in her life.

Her mom’s sister, which is her aunt, is the one who really took her under her wing. Her aunt stepped up for her, treating her just like a daughter.

“She cared more about me than my mom did and was always there for me if I needed her,” she said.

“We got along great and she also helped me through some tough times. She supported and encouraged me to go to college and helped me figure it all out.”

Subbotina Anna – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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