
After Her Mom Lost Her Job, She Secretly Went To Her Aunts To Ask If They Could Pay For Her Prom Dress And Her Mom Won’t Be Happy When She Finds Out

Tetiana Moish - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

An 18-year-old girl is going to be graduating from high school this month, and her prom is happening in 16 days.

A couple of weeks ago, her mom ended up losing her job after getting injured, and she’s back to being the stay-at-home mom that she has always been.

Her mom took money out of her final paycheck and used it to pay for some of her senior things. Her mom used $285 to cover the expenses of her senior trip, senior dues, and prom ticket.

“While this may not seem like a lot to some people, we have always had financial struggles and this virtually left her broke,” she explained.

“Even though I could have gone to her boyfriend (also the father of my youngest sister, 5) I decided not to because he already has two children of his own and is paying for a trip to Orlando Studios as well as the hotel.”

She thought it would be best to reach out to 2 of her aunts to ask if they could help her purchase a prom dress and shoes.

She did do this entirely behind her mom’s back, though her intentions of course were good and her heart was in the right place.

Her aunts previously told her mom that they were happy to help pay for anything that involved her graduating, but her mom said no.

Her mom is extremely proud and never asks anyone in their family for money, even though they really could use some help.

Tetiana Moish – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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