
After Her Mom Lost Her Job, She Secretly Went To Her Aunts To Ask If They Could Pay For Her Prom Dress And Her Mom Won’t Be Happy When She Finds Out

Her mom won’t even ask her own boyfriend to help out if she needs it, and this really affects her.

“This indirectly stressed me out and led me to make the impulsive decision to ask for help,” she said.

“My dress and shoes have already been paid for and are in the process of shipping. I feel a lot of guilt that I kept this a secret from her, but I don’t regret asking for help.”

“I still have not told her, but her boyfriend and I are waiting to see what kind of mood she will be in tomorrow so that I can break the news.”

Her aunts paid around $200 for her prom dress, and they paid about $100 for her shoes.

She felt that reaching out to her aunts was her only option, but she’s positive that she will be able to wear these things to other events she will attend in the future.

She can’t work even a part-time job to help her mom out with money, since she helps her mom care for her baby sister, and her mom is adamant about her focusing on her school work above all else.

Do you think it was wrong of her to keep this all a secret from her mom, or do you think she really did the right thing?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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