
He And His Girlfriend Are Not On The Same Page About Having Children, So That’s Why He Doesn’t Want To Move In With Her

kegfire - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 31-year-old guy has been dating his 32-year-old girlfriend Rachel for more than 3 years now.

Although he is in love with Rachel and feels that their relationship is overall pretty wonderful, there’s something preventing him from taking the next step with her.

Prior to meeting Rachel, he did have a son from another relationship that he was in, and his son is turning 5-years-old soon.

He adores that Rachel is excellent with his son, and Rachel and his son have their own bond.

“I love my son very much, but my experience raising him over the past 5 years has made me realize that one kid is enough for me,” he explained.

“I can’t see myself having another. I knew this had a chance to be a sticking point in relationships, so I’ve always been upfront about the fact that I do not want to have kids.”

Around a year and a half into dating Rachel, she wondered if it would be a good idea for them to move in with one another.

He and Rachel only live 2 miles away from each other, and it’s not like a huge effort to get to spend time together since they do live so close.

Rachel exects to buy a home with him and live with him as the next milestone for them to achieve together.

kegfire – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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