
His Girlfriend Lied To Him And Is Now Taking His Best Friend To Prom Instead Of Him

Alina - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 19-year-old guy has a girlfriend who is 17 and about to graduate from high school. He lives an hour away from where his girlfriend does, and his best friend is dating his girlfriend’s best friend so he gets to spend a lot of time with her.

Now, this guy has never been able to go to prom before and was really looking forward to getting to go to his girlfriend’s prom since it’s coming up soon.

In fact, he was excited to get to go to two proms instead of just one, since his girlfriend’s high school is throwing one and the career center she attends for nursing is also throwing one too.

Sadly enough, his girlfriend told him she could not let him go to the career center prom, since they were being strict about not allowing “outside guests” due to health concerns.

“I thought it was a bit strange but I believed her,” he explained. “I found out later that she was going to prom with her best friend that isn’t enrolled at that school but got accepted to go for next year.”

“I was already irritated that she went with her when she said they weren’t accepting outside guests. I let it go as there was another prom available.”

Well, his girlfriend then mentioned to him that she was not going to be attending her high school prom after all since she decided she hates her classmates.

Several days ago, he asked his girlfriend if she would like to come to his place and hang out for the weekend, but she declined, claiming to have a lot of tests coming up.

His girlfriend lied about that though. Not only does she not have to spend this upcoming weekend studying for her tests; it’s the same weekend as her high school’s prom.

Alina – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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