
Her Mom Believes That She Owes Her A $1,000 Dog As A Birthday Gift

Eva - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 29-year-old woman lost her dad a couple of years ago, and after he died, she got his apartment and a bit of money.

Back when her father passed, her mom didn’t have a job and was divorced from him. Without anywhere to really go, she let her mom move into her dad’s apartment with her.

“When I have enough money to last and my life more figured out, I’d like to move out and let her keep this apartment, which I already finished paying off myself alone, for the rest of her life,” she explained. “She knows this.”

She and her mom both have good jobs where they live, and they both make around $1,000 a month.

She does foot the bill for the majority of the bills between her and her mom since her dad did some money.

Her mom has been constantly asking to get a dog, which she hasn’t been thrilled about after losing her own pet bunny last year.

She did look into adopting a dog, but the process is arduous that her mom and the rest of her family have thrown the towel in.

Yesterday, her mom celebrated her 63rd birthday and she ended up not giving her mom a present as she wasn’t sure what she really wanted.

She did say to her mom that she would like to take her shopping to get her a gift, but her mom has been too occupied with other things in the weeks leading up to her birthday to make the time to go shopping.

Eva – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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