
Her Pitbull Inspired Her To Be A Dog Trainer And Now That Her Dog Has Been Diagnosed With Cancer, She’s Fighting To Save Her

Overall Kaia will need 4 rounds of chemo and each round is not cheap. The total amount of money for the chemo, testing, and other expenses round out to be between $17,000 to $18,000. Kasey is willing to pay any amount of money so she doesn’t have to say goodbye to her best friend.

Kasey goes on to thank people that know Kaia and how important she is to her. Saying that it gives her strength knowing how many people care for her and her best friend.

“Many of you have asked to help financially and one of my dear clients even said “You have dedicated yourself to helping our dogs, now let us help yours.” I never thought I made that much an impact on others and their relationship with their companions,” she continued.

“Kaia is my why. She is why I kept going when I was at rock bottom, why I found my passion in dog training, why I am able to help so many dogs, and why I know that no matter what I go through, I know I will be okay. Now I owe it to her as she worked so hard for me, I have to fight that much harder for her.”

Kaia’s first round of chemo was on Monday, May 23rd at 4 PM. Kasey says she will keep everyone updated as they continue with treatment.

True to word Kasey updated us. Saying that their oncologist is at Veterinary Cancer Group in Woodland Hills, CA.

Scans showed that the cancer had not moved to Kaia’s chest, and that there was not a secondary infection found. And that the type of lymphoma Kaia has is B CELL, which is the less aggressive form.

Kasey also included the spreadsheet of procedures and the amount each one costs.

If you want to read the original post or donate to Kaia, here is the GoFundMe page for her.

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