
She Changed Her Mind About The Color Of Her Prom Dress And Now Her Friend Is Upset With Her

SHOTPRIME STUDIO - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A teen girl is going to be celebrating her prom in just one month. She and all of her friends had picked out the colors they wanted their prom dresses to be months ago so that they wouldn’t overlap at all.

Last week, she went shopping for her prom dress with her mom, and she found a dress that she absolutely loved.

It just so happens that her prom dress is emerald green, which is not the color that she originally picked out for her prom dress, and it also wasn’t the color that she told her friends she would wear.

“I was so keen on navy blue however I felt like the green dress was the dress,” she explained.

“One of my friends, let’s call her Ella, sent me a massive paragraph of her opinions after I had sent my dress to our friend group chat.”

Ella had wanted to wear a green prom dress, and she was so upset. Ella accused her of stealing her prom dress color, and Ella said that it simply was not fair of her to go ahead and buy a green dress when they had previously discussed color choices.

She felt quite surprised, as she had no idea that Ella would be so furious with her for going with a green prom dress too.

“Yes, I understand that we did pre-plan this, but sometimes the plan doesn’t go ahead,” she said.

“And I was the first one in our group to get my dress. I really felt this dress was mine; I loved it. And I’ve already bought it.”

SHOTPRIME STUDIO – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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