
She Met A Guy That She Really Likes But He’s Still Seeing Other Women So She’s Not Sure If That Makes Him A Player Or Not

kleberpicui - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A couple of Saturdays ago, a 30-year-old woman attended a wedding, and she met a 30-year-old guy that she really did like.

“We connected immediately, talked all night, and went back to my hotel together,” she explained.

“It was amazing. He is also the best friend of my best friend’s boyfriend, so the next day we chilled out, drank tea, and ate together. It was so lovely.”

After her romantic weekend getaway, it was right back to reality. She lives on the completely opposite side of the country from this guy, but despite the distance between them, they’re planning on making time to see one another.

The weekend after the wedding, the guy she met booked a flight to come spend time with her along with some friends that they have in common.

What’s rubbing her the wrong way though is that she had a date with a guy that she was planning on going on the week she got home, and the guy she met at the wedding also had a date with another woman too.

“I canceled my other date, feeling like it was a bit weird, but he went on his,” she said. “He just phoned me telling me he was going to see her again, but he wanted to carry on seeing me as well.”

“I guess this all happened quite fast, and he’s welcome to date other women, but it just feels weird that he’s sleeping with me and then seeing another person and kissing her, etc.”

She mentioned that she never sleeps with a guy so quickly, but the feelings she had for the guy she met at the wedding were so intense that she threw her rules out the window and went for it.

kleberpicui – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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