
This Dillard University Graduate Amazingly Received Her Bachelor’s Degree And Baby Boy All In One Day

Donning her cap and gown alongside President Kimbrough, Jada was presented with her degree right in her hospital room while holding her baby boy.

“Shoutout to my university for still bringing my graduation and degree to me,” Jada wrote, accompanied by a video of her degree conferral.

“I am pleased to accept the faculty’s recommendation and the approval of the board of trustees to confer upon you the degree of Bachelor of Arts with all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities appertaining there unto,” President Kimbrough began in the video while Jada’s family cheered in the background.

“Congratulations, you may now approach the bed and receive your degree,” President Kimbrough joked before presenting Jada with her well-deserved accomplishment.

After receiving her bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and her baby boy all in one day, Jada is over the moon.

“I am a college graduate and mommy. Talk to me nicely!” she finished on Twitter.

Her wholesome Tweet received over one hundred and fifty thousand likes, along with thousands of congratulatory comments.

“Congratulations on the beautiful baby and that degree! You got this!” commented one user.

“You are incredible. You deserve all the good in the world!” added a second commenter.

To read the original Tweet and watch Jada receive her well-earned degree, visit the link here.

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