
This Single Mom Got Her Hand Caught In A Leaf Blower And Sadly Lost Pieces Of Her Fingers

As she begins to recover slowly, Aimee is unable to be alone with her children. There must be constant support from friends, family, and paid caregivers to help assist her during this process.

Amiee’s doctor was able to clean up three fingers while being sure the fingers tips were completely covered with skin.

In addition, Aimee saw a stem cell and trauma doctor who then injected donor stem cells directly into her fingers, which meant a total of 35 injections. 

Aimee was then sent home with 75 peptide injections. She will have to inject them into her stomach once a day. This procedure costs roughly $4,000.

Aside from the medical expenses, Aimee will need assistance with food, gas, babysitting, and much more.

With no incoming coming in, Aimee certainly needs help.

If you would like to donate or share Aimee’s story, click here.

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