
She’s Sharing A PSA To Always Wash Clothes After Purchasing Because Even Store Staff Sometimes Wear The Inventory Before Selling It

After visiting the mall to buy a blouse or pair of pants, have you ever worn an item without washing it?

Most people know this is not the best idea. First, the garments could have been collecting dust on a shelf or even fallen off a hanger and onto the floor a few times.

Second, the items have likely been tried on by numerous other potential customers in the shop.

Yet, while most consumers know these realities, some people still do not wash their clothing store items.

So, if you are someone who needed an extra push to make that change, a former retail worker named Dana just spilled some even more concerning beans about retail clothing on TikTok.

More specifically, how even clothing store staff are contributing to the dirtying of merchandise.

“I used to work in a clothing store, and we were not allowed to wear clothes from other brands or other stores. And, my manager especially liked it if you wore stuff from the new collection to promote it,” Dana began.

But, she revealed how most of her coworkers did not really shop at the store. In turn, they did not actually own any of the necessary clothes and were forced to use inventory.

TikTok; pictured above is Dana in her video

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