
Her Late Husband Secretly Put Her Mother-In-Law In Charge Of His Estate, And Now She Has No Control Over Her Money

“The trust is written so that the trustee can do literally whatever they want with the money with no oversight,” she clarified.

“She could spend it all on comic books and bubble gum for herself, and there’s nothing anything can do about it.”

On top of this terrible situation, she also found out who the secondary trustee was in the event that her mother-in-law died, and it was one of her husband’s old friends who no longer spoke to her.

In turn, she basically feels like the money is as good as gone. And for a while, despite being understandably upset off about the situation, she was getting by on social security.

But, her circumstances have recently changed after a series of small disasters occurred in her house.

And since insurance companies are not always helpful, she is now stacked with debt for the first time ever.

This ultimately pushed her to confront her mother-in-law two more times about the trust. Apparently, though, her mother-in-law just shrugs off her concerns and acts like the trust is out of her control.

“I don’t know if she is actually dumb or just playing dumb, but she can absolutely do what he told me she was supposed to do and give me my money,” she said.

So, she believes her mother-in-law is doing one of three things. First, she might just think she is lying about her husband’s wishes.

Second, her mother-in-law might have been in on her husband’s lie about intending to hand over the money and stood by it.

Or third, her mother-in-law has just gone off the rails and is doing whatever she wants.

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