
She Broke Up With Her Ex Only 9 Months Ago, But Now He’s Married And Expecting A Baby

Slava_Vladzimirska - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 24-year-old girl was dating a guy the same age as her, and they were together for 2 years. She broke up with him earlier this year, 9 months ago, to be exact.

As for why she decided to split up with him, she just believed they were not on the same page maturity-wise, and she really wished he was, well, more grown-up than he really acted.

She wanted to get a place together and move in, but he didn’t feel like doing that. She can look back now and say that things with her ex were good, and their breakup wasn’t negative or terrible at all. Things ended amicably, you could say.

Even though everything came to an end smoothly, they immediately decided not to speak to one another anymore.

She then kind of heard things through one of her friends about her ex since this friend was in touch with him on Instagram.

Her friend would mention comments her ex left on her wedding photos, and although she thought it was strange, she moved on with her life.

This was all back in March, and it never occurred to her that her ex would have jumped into another relationship right after they broke up.

“I’ve had a slow yet steady journey of getting over him,” she explained. “He was my first serious relationship which made things hard, but I also knew we weren’t right for each other so I know I ultimately made the right decision.”

“Anyways, yesterday I randomly got this overwhelming sense of curiosity, so I decided to check Instagram and see what he was up to, and essentially it was an announcement that he and and his WIFE are expecting a child in March of next year.”

Slava_Vladzimirska – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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