
Her Boyfriend’s 19-Year-Old Sister Is Living With Them And Being A Complete Freeloader, So She Wants To Ask Her To Leave

darkfreya - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A woman currently lives with her boyfriend, and recently, her boyfriend’s 19-year-old sister moved in with them.

Her boyfriend’s sister graduated from high school and moved from her tiny town, and where they live is a lot busier than where this girl came from.

Her boyfriend’s sister was only supposed to spend a month or two under their roof until she was able to get a job and her own apartment.

Unfortunately, her boyfriend’s sister has totally overstayed her welcome because she’s a total freeloader.

“She has no motivation to find a job, she has worked with us (we work in the same company her brother and me, that’s where we have met) for like 2 weeks and I had to “train her” (like a person that shows you what to do, how things works, etc.) for that job but she was a menace and I told her I can’t deal with her attitude so she quit,” she explained.

From there, her boyfriend’s sister went to work at a local grocery store after her boyfriend applied for her to get the job, but she only lasted 3 days before she got fired.

She says her boyfriend’s sister got fired from the grocery store job for being lazy and not doing anything.

This all went down 2 weeks ago, and although her boyfriend’s sister claims to be job hunting online, she’s not convinced this is the case.

“We don’t charge her any money for supplies, bills, rent, or whatsoever,” she said. “But I can’t help but feel frustrated by her living with us, having zero motivation to help us or at least give us some space.”

darkfreya – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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