
She Shared Her Experience With A Terminal Illness On TikTok Before Sadly Passing Away

Teed first started gaining attention on TikTok in April 2022 after making a video about how quickly her life changed after her diagnosis.

Once the video went viral, Teed made tons of videos about how she was doing, her candid thoughts on dying, and advice on how to treat someone who is terminal.

For instance, Teed made a vulnerable video about how there is guilt that comes with knowing you’re going to die.

“I feel guilty about leaving my kids behind, I feel guilty about people having to change their lives to help me, I feel guilty about even having to ask for a blanket,” explains Teed. “I’ve always taken care of them, and now they’re taking care of me.”

Although many of Teed’s videos are discussing something incredibly sad, she still found time to joke around and look on the bright side of things.

She even made a video about five positive things that come with being terminal – as wild as that sounds!

Some of Teed’s top five best things about dying were that she could spend as much money as she wanted, indulge in the foods she loved and that she didn’t have to make any more New Year’s resolutions.

As her disease progressed, Teed continued to make videos and shared her thoughts as she transitioned from living at home into a hospice care facility.

By the time October came around, she could feel herself weaken and honestly told her followers that she knew she would be dying in a matter of weeks.

On October 24th, Teed posted her final TikTok video with one of her daughters.

“This will be my final video for TikTok,” she says. “I’m at peace, and I feel ready to let go and just enjoy what little time I have left with my beautiful family and friends.”

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