She’s A Corporate Mentor Talking About One Demeaning Trick Bad Managers Use In Certain Work Environments

Malik E/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Malik E/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Employees in the corporate world have found someone to look up to via a woman known as ‘The HR Queen’ on TikTok.

‘The HR Queen’ (@_thehrqueen) is a corporate mentor who gives advice on leadership in the workplace and is an active advocate for employees. With a growing audience of over 136,000 followers, the HR Queen is creating a safe space for young employees to seek advice.

Recently, she made a video about a demeaning trick that is often used by “bad managers” in certain work environments.

“This is used by bad managers all the time,” says the HR Queen at the start of her video. “What they’ll do to keep their staff at a certain level, to keep giving out 3% or less raises, is take your knowledge and then make you feel incompetent.”

So what does that mean exactly? The HR Queen explains further in her video.

“They [manager] want to start chipping away at your confidence,” she says. “So you feel as if you don’t deserve to be promoted. You don’t deserve to gain more responsibilities.”

According to the HR Queen, this is a common trick, and she encourages her viewers to “watch out for it.”

As it turns out, many commenters on the HR Queen’s video have experienced this kind of treatment from their bosses.

“My manager always does this,” commented one viewer. “Wants me to mentor and train others, but doesn’t want to give me the promotion.”

Malik E/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“Happened to me,” commented another viewer. “I got offered a promotion and got it taken away from me with no legit reason. My confidence has dropped through the floor.”

In a follow-up video, the HR Queen teaches her viewers how to notice if their boss is making them feel incompetent and how to go about handling it.

She mentions that managers who will interrupt your presentations or consistently repeat everything you say without giving you credit are most likely trying to make you feel incompetent and inferior.

“Assess the situation,” says the HR Queen. “Are you really messing up? Do you really not know what you’re talking about? If you do, then you need to have a one-on-one meeting, and you need to schedule it quickly.”

At the end of her video, the HR Queen lists some formal and professional questions that an employee can ask their boss if they feel that this situation applies to them.

Along with this great advice, the HR Queen has a variety of videos pertaining to career advice, including resume hacks. If you’re ever in need of an employee mentor, you can access via TikTok, the HR Queen is the creator for you!

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