If She Goes To Her Brother’s Destination Wedding, It Will Cost Her Anywhere From $4,000 To $7,000 And Then She Won’t Be Able To Afford To Go On Her Own Honeymoon

hreniuca - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
hreniuca - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This woman has a brother who met his current wife last year, and he proposed to his wife in Turkey not too long ago.

She and her brother live in Canada, and so, after her brother got engaged, he applied to get his wife into Canada on a visitor’s visa.

Unfortunately, her brother was turned down two different times, so he decided to quickly get married to his wife, hoping he could re-apply for a spousal visa with some success.

“To be honest, it’s all a bit quick to my mind, but they seem happy, and she seems like a nice person, so I’m trying to be supportive in spite of my concerns,” she explained.

Specifically, her brother has not ever been good at having to compromise with his prior girlfriends, which is something you have to do to be successful in a relationship, and that gives her cause for concern about his new marriage.

Additionally, her brother lives all by himself and is very particular about everything being done the way he likes, so this could be problematic for his wife as well.

And thirdly, her brother’s wife has never traveled to Canada before, yet she is saying she can pick up and move. What if her brother’s wife hates their country?

She has so many reasons to be worried for her brother, but her entire family has brushed her off as not supporting him and being nasty for no reason.

Anway, she currently has an enormous issue concerning her brother and his destination wedding that is happening this upcoming summer.

hreniuca – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

“He would like everyone in our immediate family and some close friends to come to Turkey,” she explained.

“For my husband and I, this meant putting our own long-planned honeymoon off yet again – (my husband and I got married in a simple ceremony at the height of covid and put off our honeymoon due to travel restrictions at the time).”

“At first, we said yes, but in the pricing out of the trip, we will need to blow all of our hard-saved honeymoon money and then some. We can’t take too much time off work, so we would essentially be spending anywhere from $4-7K to parachute in for 3-4 days.”

When she then questioned her brother about what hotel she should plan to stay at or where his ceremony will take place, he got annoyed with her and started being not-so-nice.

All the questions that she has asked her brother so far are key details a guest needs to know for a destination wedding, so she doesn’t get why he’s so irritated.

Eventually, she and her brother got into a huge argument, and he’s no longer speaking to her. He’s gone 3 entire weeks without saying a single word to her, and normally they text each other just about every single day.

She and her husband are thinking they should just not go to his wedding after all, but she’s not sure if this is the right decision. Do you think she should decide to stay home?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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