
His Girlfriend Of Seven Years Cheated On Him And Got Pregnant, But He Still Cannot Let Go Of Her

panophotograph - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 30-year-old guy has been dating his girlfriend, who is 28, since 2015. And after being together for seven whole years, he is absolutely certain that he’s crazy about her.

“There’s no doubt that I love her, and I know she loves me, too. We’re so integrated into each other’s lives that it’s hard to picture a life in the future without her,” he explained.

Over the past few years, though, their relationship has sort of stagnated. Yes, it’s had both its ups and downs. But, he reflected on how the past couple of years had not been particularly great or horrible.

One specific issue he and his girlfriend have struggled with, though, is their physical connection. According to him, their chemistry just was not there in the past. And understandably, it made both him and his girlfriend pretty anxious and insecure.

That’s why, after it got so bad in July 2022, he returned home from work to find all of his girlfriend’s belongings gone. He later found out that she had purchased a new home out of the blue and did not want him to go with her.

“I was devastated,” he recalled.

“I had to move back to my mom’s house 100 miles away and rearrange my entire life without any notice.”

Throughout all of this turmoil, though, he and his girlfriend still stayed in touch. And over time, they slowly began to reconcile their differences.

He also personally felt inspired to start working on himself and making necessary changes to fix their relationship.

panophotograph – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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