
His Mom Said He Made Her Look Like A Monster In Front Of His Friends After He Began Telling Them Stories About Mean Things She Did To Him As A Kid

After having a few drinks and putting up with the embarrassment from his mom, he decided to give her a taste of her own medicine by telling stories about how she treated him as a kid that evening. 

He told the story of when she made him cry for not being able to spell properly even though he had dyslexia, a story about how she ‘broke his spirit’ when he tried to perform a song, etc. But once the tables were turned, his mom was not at all happy.

“Now she’s mad at me for telling these stories and making her look like a monster in front of others,” he said.

Do you think he owes his mom an apology, or was he just treating her the same way she treated him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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