
New Research Revealed That Long-Term Steroid Use May Impair Memory

“Importantly, these findings identify the critical importance of matching a prescribed course of medical treatment to endogenous steroid release.”

In other words, the researchers’ findings underscore the importance of recording the times at which study experiments are conducted. This is because, in their memory model, the team looked at synaptic plasticity– or the way in which neurons communicate with each other.

This analysis revealed that synaptic potentiation in the hippocampus is only observed during active times of the day– not during sleeping hours.

“Additionally, we have shown that long-term treatment of steroids can block its effectiveness at all times of day and could contribute to the brain fog experienced by many people on steroids,” added Stafford Lightman, a professor of medicine at the University of Bristol.

So now, the researchers are confident that their findings help explain the molecular cause of memory deficits related to steroid treatments. Plus, they are hopeful that, equipped with this information, new drug treatments could be identified and adapted to treat memory disorders.

To read the study’s complete findings, which have since been published in PNAS, visit the link here.

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