
She Offended Her Future Sister-In-Law After She Said That She Looked Sickly Thin Trying On Wedding Dresses

While she tried telling her brother’s fiancée that she didn’t like the dress, all her friends said she looked amazing.

This happened with a few of the dresses she tried on. In the end, the bride didn’t pick a dress that day so she could go over her options. 

A few days later, she got together with her brother’s fiancée to grab a bite and chat about more wedding-related things. 

Her brother’s fiancée then asked her why she didn’t like a lot of the dresses she tried on at the dress shop.

She told her that she thought she looked more like a princess in the bigger gowns. When the bride asked how she felt about the other gowns, she said something that deeply offended her.

“I then told her that, quite honestly, they make her look too thin, like she’s sick,” she said. “She rolled her eyes and asked if it makes her look anorexic.”

She then told her brother’s fiancée yes, and that she looked like her cousin who passed away. Her future sister-in-law told her she was awful for saying that and left. She told her brother what happened, who was also very upset about the situation. 

Do you think she owes her future sister-in-law an apology?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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