Her Fiancé Didn’t Want To Invite His Sister-In-Law To Their Wedding, And She Found Out It’s Because He Still Has Feelings For Her

ID 135618300 - © Oleg Parylyak - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
ID 135618300 - © Oleg Parylyak - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 31-year-old woman is currently engaged to her 36-year-old fiancé named Will, who has a younger brother, Charlie.

And apparently, Charlie has been with his now-wife, Evie, for 20 years.

She thinks that Evie is a beautiful person both inside and out. In fact, she even called Evie one of the nicest people she has ever met and views her fiancé’s sister-in-law as a great friend.

But, since her fiancé, Will, went to school with both Charlie and Evie, he reportedly had the hots for Evie first.

The pair even went on one date together before Evie eventually started dating Charlie. And that was after Will had been “hounding” Evie to go out.

However, according to her, Evie only said yes to Will just to make Charlie jealous– which she realizes might sound ridiculous, but they were all very young at the time.

“Evie told me about this date pretty early on. She had wanted me to know in case I thought she had feelings for Will,” she recalled.

“Evie made it very clear that she’s never had romantic feelings for Will and that she just used him for that one date to make Charlie jealous.”

However, her own fiancé did admit to having feelings for Evie in the past. But he swore that his feelings had gone away ever since they started dating.

ID 135618300 – © Oleg Parylyak – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

So now, she and Will are currently in the process of planning their wedding for the summer of 2024. They also started putting together a list of who they’d like to ask to be in their wedding party, as well as simply on the guest list.

She really wanted Evie to be one of her bridesmaids since she knew her soon-to-be sister-in-law would be both reliable and supportive. After telling Will, though, her fiancé reportedly frowned and revealed he was not planning to have Evie be a part of the wedding at all.

This confused her, and she asked whether her fiancé had had a falling out with Charlie.

After all, they needed to invite both Charlie and Evie since the married couple was a package deal. Not to mention, it’s not like Evie would attend the event without Charlie or vice versa.

Yet, her fiancé claimed a falling out did not happen between him and his brother. Instead, he admitted that he just did not want Evie at the event because he believed that Evie still had feelings for him and didn’t want that to “ruin” their big day.

But she claimed to know “for a fact” that Evie does not have feelings for her fiancé. So, she pressed Will and asked if Evie had confessed to having a crush or something.

Her fiancé responded “no,” but detailed how he could just tell from the way Evie acted around him. Then, he provided some examples that she just didn’t think were true at all.

For instance, Will pointed out how Evie is always around their house. But she claimed that’s because she and Evie run together three times a week, and since she lives closer to Evie’s workplace, Evie always just goes back to her place to change.

Her fiancé also claimed that Evie always makes his favorite dessert when they celebrate Christmas. However, that makes perfect sense to her since Will’s birthday is Christmas Eve.

Finally, Will thought that Evie just always did little thoughtful things– such as taking an interest in the things her fiancé was interested in. Still, she claimed that all three of them– Will, Charlie, and Evie– simply liked the same football team.

“To me, none of this is Evie showing she has romantic feelings for him. She’s just being a good friend,” she said.

Regardless, even after she tried to tell her fiancé this, Will insisted that they would not invite Evie to the wedding. And she knew that this would snowball, causing Charlie and other guests to potentially not attend.

So, she ultimately decided to reach out to Evie and get to the bottom of this situation. She asked Evie to be honest and upfront about whether there were any romantic feelings for Will. But, just like she thought, Evie essentially laughed in her face.

Afterward, though, Evie did come clean– just about something else. She found out that, before she met her fiancé, Will used to make Evie pretty uncomfortable.

Her fiancé would make comments about him being more well-suited for Evie than Charlie was. On top of that, Will used to send Evie drunken messages about how they actually belonged together!

Evie detailed how Charlie was aware of the texts, which was why they actually pulled away from her fiancé for a while. Then, once she and Will began dating, Evie and Charlie allowed Will back into their lives.

As you can probably imagine, this news was pretty shocking. She also decided to ask Evie if her fiancé had ever sent any other messages like that after her relationship with him started.

At that point, Evie reportedly went quiet on the phone before spilling the beans.

Over the weekend, when Will and Charlie had gone out drinking with some other friends, Will reportedly sent Evie a very inappropriate text.

It all started making sense to her, too, since Evie had canceled their runs this past week, and she had no idea why. Charlie also had not been talking to his brother, Will, meaning he knew about the message.

“Evie sent me the message…,” she revealed.

“Will told Evie that he wished he was the father of her child since Evie’s pregnant with their fourth child, and not Charlie, and how he’d be a better dad than Charlie ever could be.”

She was completely taken aback after reading that and is now feeling utterly confused about what to do.

On the one hand, she genuinely loves Will. Yet, he is apparently convinced that Evie has feelings for him, even when it is clear that Evie is not at all interested.

“And I thought Will had moved on, but he’s now sending Evie messages,” she vented.

So, she’s now been left wondering if there is anything else she can do or if her relationship is doomed.

Can you imagine finding out your fiancé is interested in his sister-in-law right before your wedding? Would it be smart for her to go through with the engagement? What would you do in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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