She Called Her Mom And Took A Cab Home In The Middle of The Night After Her Friend Made Her Sleep On The Floor At A Sleepover

annanahabed - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
annanahabed - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you were younger, did you ever want to leave a sleepover?

There’s always that one kid at a group sleepover who calls their mom and wants to leave early. In this teenager’s case, I can understand exactly why someone would want to leave a sleepover in the middle of the night. 

She called her mom and took a cab home from a friend’s sleepover party after they made her sleep on the floor. 

She’s 15-years-old and was at a sleepover party for her friend’s 16th birthday. It was held toward the end of March, and her friends decided it would be fun to sleep in a tent as if they were camping at home. 

“There [were] a few other girls there as well, and we would all be sharing the tent,” she said.

“Keep in mind it’s a very big tent. When we were setting up the air mattresses, everyone was planning where they were going to sleep. We had three individual ones and a massive one that could fit multiple people.”

Five girls decided they’d sleep on the big air mattress. One girl would be sleeping alone on an individual one, and three other girls would share the last two mattresses, leaving her nowhere to go.

When she asked her friends where she would sleep, they all fell silent before telling her she could sleep wherever she wanted. They never proposed a proper solution. 

“I ended up lying on the floor of the tent with nothing but a thin duvet under me and an ever thinner blanket over me,” she recalled.

annanahabed – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“I wasn’t having a good time while everyone else was laughing. At around 1:00 am, I called my mom, who got a taxi to take me home.”

When the taxi was ten minutes from her friend’s house, she started packing her things and telling everyone she was leaving. 

Then, her friends suddenly sprung into action and started coming up with ideas of where she could sleep, which she had hoped they would’ve done when they first started making a plan. She felt her friends were trying to compromise too late and left in the cab.

“That morning, I woke up to a text from the host saying that she understood why I left but that I had been selfish after she did so much to make me more comfortable,” she said.

“As in, she gave me a duvet and offered to let me sleep inside instead of the tent.”

Now, other friends who were at the sleepover have been texting her, and none of them have apologized for making her sleep on the floor. Instead, they told her she could’ve brought more sleeping supplies to the sleepover and got angry with her for not wanting to sleep inside her friend’s house, away from everyone in the tent. 

When she responded to the host of the sleepover and told her she felt excluded that night, the host said she was rude. Now, she’s wondering if she should have just stayed at the sleepover if it would’ve saved her from all of this drama.

Was she right to leave the sleepover, or should she have stuck it out?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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